The Burning World by
Isaac Marion
My rating:
3 of 5 stars
Once upon a time, I heard about a new book, something set for release a few months away in the future and I did something I don't ordinarily do, which is I actually pre-ordered a copy. That book was
Warm Bodies. I loved that book so much that I urged my Dad to read it because he's a big zombie fan.
However, I think I'll wait until the last book is out before I suggest
this book to him. While it started out great, the plot started to drag around the halfway mark, making it seem like a struggle to get through the rest of the story. The long journey, the various stops, the almost repetitive actions of the characters made me feel like the book was going nowhere for too long. Also, knowing that there is indeed a final book to finish this journey,
this book feels like it suffers from middle-book syndrome. It is essentially a stepping stone to the end of the story.
I do want to read the rest of this story, mainly because I keep remembering how much I loved the first book and how, even though I was certain there was only going to be the one book, I still wanted to know who R was before, what he did before he became the zombie we first met. The story is finally going into those details so I'm going to stick it out through the end. I hope it will be brilliant.
Rating on my Blog Scale: 6 Stars. Book 3 says it's called
The Living and will supposedly be published in 2018 but there is no exact date and there is currently no cover art available for the release. Hopefully more information will be available soon.
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