Monday, November 2, 2020

The Ghost Wore Gray by Bruce Coville: A Review

I have finally gotten the chance to read this story. When I was about 11 years old, I was wandering around Waldenbooks when I found a book called The Ghost in the Big Brass Bed and chose it as my new must have read. The following week I saved my allowance and bought The Ghost in the Third Row. I loved the idea of kids my age helping ghosts, finding clues, being all around awesome. I used to put both books in my bag and carry them around everywhere, and I honestly mean everywhere, these books meant that much to me.

I always knew there was a story between those two books but I never had the chance to find it. It might be trivial, but I am happy to say that the copy of this book that I managed to find matches my old paperbacks that I have kept safe for the last twenty years. It makes elementary-school-aged me very giddy.
I mean look at that cover art I managed to find. That's the cover that matches my old paperbacks and I just love the way they look compared to the new art that I've seen around. I did not want those covers, I wanted THIS cover. Yes, I am picky, I've learned to manage it by writing about it in these blog posts. So there.
In terms of story, this one was what I expected it to be, heartbreaking and a little wistful when the story wraps up. For the fun of it, I am reading these in order, so it is nice to see the development of Nine and Chris's friendship the way I was supposed to experience it. I enjoyed the back and forth with Nine and her dad, and the support that Nine knew she had with Chris at her side. I do wish there were more mysteries to read in this series but these three books will always have a safe place on my bookshelves, no matter what. 
Rating on my Blog Scale: 8.5 Stars.
My guess is my rating reflects the fact that the child inside me still demands more Nine Tanleven stories. Seriously, I can't be the only kid who read these and wanted more. I refuse to accept that.

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